My source is
Jerry Brown- 4,552,290 votes- 53%
Meg Whitman- 3,571,675 votes- 42%
Who: Jerry Brown
What: Won the 2010 California Elections
When: November 2
Where: California
How: by getting almost a million more votes than Meg Whitman
The source was not entirely accurate because only 86% of the results were reported for their calculations, the other 14% could have made a difference
Additionally the source had percentages for race, sex and income of voters who voted Republican and Democrat but I don't see how this could help the original report because they only used percentages and not the total amount of voters which could have helped us figure out the real amount of people who voted for each candidate.
My only concern with this data is that only 86% of the actual data was taken into account. This could have lead to some bias to a candidate since not all the data is taken into account; maybe Meg Whitman had an advantage in the resting 14% of the data.